Monster legends how to always win on the 72 hour challenges
Monster legends how to always win on the 72 hour challenges

These challenges vary from the level of the player. The Timed Challenges are challenges that offer the player rewards by reaching a specific reward spot within its duration. One good example why you don't need to worry about your level is the Timed Challenges. If you're a F2P player you need time to progress a game, you don't need to do it in a fast phase. Now you may be asking this as well,"But wont it take longer to level up if I avoid the Adventure Map". You see that's where you think its needed until you see you're leveling up too fast that your own Island(the place where you have your habitats, farms, breeding mountain, etc.) can't keep up because you advanced too much that you forget to progress your island as well. Now I know what you're thinking,"But the Adventure Map has a lot of great rewards for you and it also help some requirements like the temples and achievements". The fastest way for a player to level up is via doing the Adventure Map. A lot of people make this mistake very early in the game and they won't notice it until its too late. Being high levelled as a F2P player will be a nightmare for you especially if you're not ready for it. In Monster Legends, its no different either.

monster legends how to always win on the 72 hour challenges

Levels usually describes a players performance in a game and it often rewards them based on their level as well.

Monster legends how to always win on the 72 hour challenges